先端生命科学科 細胞社会学
Kira A, Tatsutomi I, Saito K, Murata M, Hattori I, Kajita H, Muraki N, Oda Y, Satoh S, Tsukamoto Y, Kimura S, Onoue K, Yonemura S, Arakawa S, Kato H, Hirashima T, Kawane K: Extracellular vesicle formation via local phosphatidylserine exposure promotes efficient cell extrusion. Dev Cell. 58 : 1282-98, 2023
Horiguchi H, Endo M, Kawane K, Kadomatsu T, Terada K, Morinaga J, Araki K, Miyata K, Oike Y: ANGPTL2 expression in the intestinal stem cell niche controls epithelial regenerationand homeostasis. EMBO J. 36: 409-424, 2017
Chan MP, Onji M, Fukui R, Kawane K, Shibata T, Saitoh S, Ohto U, Shimizu T, Barber GN, Miyake K: DNase II-dependent DNA digestion is required for DNA sensing by TLR9 degradation. Nat Commun. 6: 5853, 2015
Kawane K, Nagata S : DNA degradation and its defects. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol, 2014
Nagata S, Kawane K : Autoinflammation by endogenous DNA. Adv Immunol. 110: 139-61, 2011
Kawane K, Tanaka H, Kitahara Y, Shimaoka S, Nagata S : Cytokine-dependent but acquired immunity-independent arthritis caused by DNA escaped from degradation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107: 19432-7, 2010
Kitahara Y, Kawane K, Nagata S : Interferon-induced TRAIL-independent cell death in DNase II-/- embryos. Eur J Immunol. 40: 2590-8, 2010
Ostberg T, Kawane K, Nagata S, Yang H, Chavan S, Klevenvall L, Bianchi ME, Harris HE, Andersson U, Palmblad K : Protective targeting of high mobility group box chromosomal protein 1 in a spontaneous arthritis model. Arthritis Rheum. 62: 2963-72, 2010
Nagata S, Hanayama R, Kawane K : Autoimmunity and the clearance of dead cells. Cell. 140: 619-30, 2010
Nagasaka A, Kawane K, Yoshida H, Nagata S : Apaf-1-independent programmed cell death in mouse development. Cell Death Differ. 17: 931-41, 2010
Kawane K : Molecular mechanisms and physiological roles of DNA degradation. Seikagaku. 81: 765-79, 2009
Okabe Y, Kawane K, Nagata S : IFN regulatory factor (IRF) 3/7-dependent and -independent gene induction by mammalian DNA that escapes degradation. Eur J Immunol. 38: 3150-8, 2008
Kawane K, and Nagata S : Nucleases in Programmed Cell Death. Methods Enzymol. 442: 271-87, 2008
Nakahara M., Nagasaka A, Koike M, Uchida K., Kawane K, Uchiyama Y, Nagata S : Degradation of nuclear DNA by DNase II-like Acid DNase in cortical fiber cells of mouse eye lens. FEBS J. 274: 3055-64, 2007
Kawane K, Ohtani M, Miwa K, Kizawa T, Kanbara Y, Yoshioka Y, Yoshikawa H, Nagata S : Chronic polyarthritis caused by mammalian DNA that escapes from degradation in macrophages. Nature. 443: 998-1002, 2006
Bergsmedh A, Ehnfors J, Kawane K. Motoyama N, Nagata S, Holmgren L : DNase II and the Chk2 DNA Damage Pathway Form a Genetic Barrier Blocking Replication of Horizontally Transferred DNA. Mol Cancer Res. 4: 187-95, 2006
Okabe Y, Kawane K, Akira S, Taniguchi T, Nagata S : Toll-like receptor-independent gene induction program activated by mammalian DNA escaped from apoptotic DNA degradation. J Exp Med. 202: 1333-9, 2005
Yoshida H, Kawane K, Koike M, Mori Y, Uchiyama Y, Nagata S : Phosphatidylserine-dependent engulfment by macrophages of nuclei from erythroid precursor cells. Nature. 437: 754-8, 2005
Yoshida H, Okabe Y, Kawane K, Fukuyama H, Nagata S : Lethal anemia caused by interferon-beta produced in mouse embryos carrying undigested DNA. Nat Immunol. 6: 49-56, 2005
Nishimoto S, Kawane K, Watanabe-Fukunaga R, Fukuyama H, Ohsawa Y, Uchiyama, Y, Hashida N, Ohguro N, Tano Y, Morimoto T, Fukuda Y, Nagata S : Nuclear cataract caused by a lack of DNA degradation in the mouse eye lens. Nature. 424: 1071-4, 2003
Kawane K, Fukuyama H, Yoshida H, Nagase H, Ohsawa Y. Uchiyama Y, Okada K, Iida T, Nagata S : Impaired thymic development in mouse embryos deficient in apoptotic DNA degradation. Nat. Immunol. 4: 138-144, 2003
Nagata S, Nagase H, Kawane K, Mukae N, Fukuyama H : Degradation of chromosomal DNA during apoptosis. Cell Death Differ. 10: 108-116, 2003
Nagase H, Fukuyama H, Tanaka M, Kawane K Nagata S : Mutually regulated expression of caspase-activated DNase and its inhibitor for apoptotic DNA fragmentation. Cell Death Differ. 10: 142-3, 2003
Kawane K, Fukuyama H, Kondoh G, Takeda J, Ohsawa Y, Uchiyama Y, Nagata S : Requirement of DNase II for definitive erythropoiesis in the mouse fetal liver. Science. 292: 1546-9, 2001
Kawane K, Fukuyama H, Adachi M, Sakahira H, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Nagata S : Structure and promoter analysis of murine CAD and ICAD genes. Cell Death Differ. 6: 745-52, 1999
川根公樹. 上皮細胞の終焉様式である細胞脱落. 臨床免疫・アレルギー科 71: 127-133, 2019.
川根公樹. DNA分解の生理的および病理的意義. 臨床免疫・アレルギー科 63: 461-465, 2015.
川根公樹, 長田重一. DNAの分解異常による関節炎. 炎症と免疫 Vol.19 No.2: 128-133, 2011.
川根公樹. DNA分解の分子機構及び生理作用. 生化学 Vol.81: 765-769, 2009.
川根公樹, 長田重一. DNAの分解異常による関節炎. Inflammation and Regeneration Vol.29: 204-208, 2009.
川根公樹, 長田重一. DNAの分解異常による関節炎. 実験医学 Vol.25 No.4: 507-510, 2007.
川根公樹, 福山英啓, 長田重一. 赤血球の脱核機序の新しい展開. Annual Review 血液 2003 42-49, 2003.
川根公樹, 福山英啓, 長田重一. 赤血球造血機構におけるDNase IIの役割. 実験医学 Vol.19 No.14: 1858-1860, 2001.